An inimitable place to learn new skills, at YOUR own pace, in YOUR own home.

Dinkydoodle Cake Academy is SO MUCH MORE than an on line learning zone. Not only are there cool tutorials for you to follow, but there is also a supportive community of members within the academy too. The private Facebook groups are a fun and safe learning environment where we can all share our thoughts and ideas, inspire and encourage other and Dawn is Always on hand to turn popular questions or problems into an impromptu Facebook live session.

So what exactly is the Dinkydoodle Cake Academy?

I have a massive passion for teaching, I LOVE sharing , I am addicted to enabling others to achieve great things in cake. When the pandemic hit, I was unable to teach in the conventional classroom and had to find other ways of sharing my skills.

The academy began as an on line learning platform where I would pre record tutorial videos for people to purchase and watch at their own leisure. These worked very well, but they were missing something - YOU. They were missing the interaction of the student. I wasn't able to gauge how well you'd done, if you had struggled or had problems, and I wasn't able, in real time to answer your questions.

So I began to run live and interactive classes. They were a resounding hit!.

Each class is split into manageable sections, taught live through Facebook over a period of time ( it maybe just a day, a weekend or even over a few weeks) Each session is recorded live, and I interact with the students, answering their questions, showing them all elements to the cake and allowing you to make along with me at home .

once the lives are over, the recordings are uploaded onto this website ( within the course content) and are available to the student forever - they are also yours to download and keep)

Because each lesson is run live you can only sign up for it a few weeks before the class is due to run. 10 days before it begins I close registration and introduce myself to the private Facebook group associated with the class ( There's a different group for every class, and they never close, even once the course is finished)

The students all get to know each other , we share ideas, are encouraged to ask questions, share our process most of all have A LOT OF FUN.

So how do I access the Academy content?

There are two ways to access content within the academy

  1. Browse through the content of classes, see which of them are available to book (Don't forget I run these live - so some you can only sign up for if a class is coming soon in the future) and book your place. (you can either pay in full or use a payment plan option)
  2. Become a subscribing Academy member - this will gain you access to the Dinkydoodle Academy members club Facebook group and exclusive Academy content.
  3. This is COMPLETELY different to the Facebook groups set up for individual classes. - for more information see the section below.

Being an Academy member will give you:

  • FULL access to the private Facebook group and all of its content, discussions, live demonstrations, giveaways and more.
  • FREE access to regular live and interactive tutorials.
  • ALL videos tutorials and lives filmed through the members Facebook group are available to view as often as you like and are yours to keep forever.
  • Secret pre launch product testing
  • 10% Academy member discount on Dinkydoodle products bought through the website.
  • "members area" within the Dinkydoodle product website to access the equipment rental service* and also buy NEW products before anyone else.

All for just £29.99 per month.

*Coming soon

Dawn Butler, Honestly you're amazing! Thank you for this course. I'll be honest and say I was sceptical as to how good an on line course would be, and well you have surpassed my expectations. I have learned sooo much already this week! Also thank you for answering all my questions In the live sessions too! " Bindu UK.


I signed up for the airbrushing course purely to upgrade my cookie and stencil game ! I never imagined I'd use so many skills, let alone actually touch a cake with an airbrush!. Ive got such better control now, and have learned to control my over spray. I can't believe its only been three weeks and I've learned so much!"

Keiren , Australia